10ticks Online Worksheet Licence

  • Delivered completely online with no installation required
  • Set worksheet materials for students to view online and/or print out
  • Search through and access the entire collection of 10ticks worksheets
  • Fully compatible with Windows, Mac, iPads and Google Chromebooks

No Installation Required

The 10ticks Online Worksheet Licence is the brand new online delivery mechanism for the 10ticks worksheets and requires no installation. Once purchased, simply log into the 10ticks website to access the entire collection of resources.

Set Worksheets to Classes

The Online Worksheet Licence allows teachers and tutors to set up to five different worksheets at one time to their students. Students can then log in to the 10ticks website using their unique class login details to view and download any of the worksheets that a teacher or tutor has set to them.


Quickly Find the Worksheet you need

The search facility in the Online Worksheet Licence allows you to search through the entire collection of 10ticks worksheets using specific criteria to find the exact one they want. Search by Year Group, National Curriculum Level, Topic Area, Attainment Target and Keywords.


The Online Worksheet Licence is fully compatible with Windows, Mac, iPads/Tablets, Google Chromebook and iPhones. This makes the System easily accessible for you to search for and view all 10ticks materials and for students to access any materials that may have been set to them.